Sales Letters and Marketing

Sales Letters and Marketing

Sales letters and marketing

Marketing is important for any product or service delivery chains because it enables a company know which products are in demand in the market and know how to deliver them to the customers. Marketing also derives the best means of communication that will be efficient and effective to reach the target audience in the market. There are many methods of communicating to the consumers for marketing purposes. Some of the methods are advertisement billboards, digital media and use of sales letters. Sales letters are letters written to persuade a target group of consumers to purchase. There are certain rules that if followed they can make the sales letter a very effective marketing tool.

Explain what is in for the reader

The sales letter needs to clearly explain what the reader will benefit from buying. This should be very clear for the reader or target audience of the letter. This part of the letter should focus on the benefits of purchasing for the reader.

Use a catchy headline to captivate your reader’s interest.

In case the sales letter is personalized, the part that is written as “Dear” becomes the headline of such a letter. The headline is without doubt one of the most important parts of the sales letter. So it is imperative to spend as much time on it to come up with a headline that manages to capture the reader’s imagination and interest and make them want to read further and probably even buy what is on sale.

The letter should be brief but precise

The reader does not want to spend a lot of time trying to read the sales letter. When writing a sales letter, it is advised to assume that you are the reader and ask yourself questions like if you want to read a very long letter. In that case, the sales letter should be brief by talking about what really matters and pointing out its objective in simple terms for the reader.

Proofreading and spelling checks

Lastly, reread the letter several times and make sure that there are no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors of any kind. This will be at the final stage of the letter writing.

Things to Pay Attention to when creating a Sales Letter

Being able to create a sales letter that brings new and appropriate customers to a business can be a trying experience for those who are inexperienced, luckily this is a road that has been plowed before. The most important thing that should be done in a sales letter is establishing a rapport with the person you are attempting to sell to, and after that it is very important to seem credible. It is this back and forth communication that needs to be established with a potential client prior to their first real contact, and this is something that is more of an art than a craft. Unfortunately for many people this is something that is not easily learned and can be very difficult to master in the short term.

Quite often third party writers will charge a large amount of money for a sales letter, but if a business does not want to go this route the number one thing they can do is to be honest and speak simply. Do not use vague terms or language, be upfront and let a potential customer know what they can expect from your company if they choose to utilize your services. This will go a long way in letting someone know that they can move forward with your product with no problem, and that if they choose to do business with you they can expect to receive what they have purchased. While it might seem like a lot of work to package this information in a way that everyone understands, it will serve your business far better.

A sales letter is something that enables a business to “snag” as many potential customers as possible, and as a result this letter should be a wide net that is cast. Do not make assumptions about who might read it or why, just move forward with an urgent message that will appeal to someone who will need your product. This will make it possible for someone to relate your message to their own life, which makes it a lot more unlikely that someone will feel as if they are reading something written for someone else.

Tips For An Effective Email Sales Letter

There are certain basics to writing a good email sales letter. Before starting, write down the objective of the letter. Those few sentences should be a source of focus while writing.

Here are a few tips for writing an email sales letter for results.

1. Remember the power of “you” and “I”. News releases and brochures do not use these words. In a direct appeal letter they can be personal and powerful. In a sales letter the word “you” is of particular importance.

2. Base the letter on benefits. People buy for various reasons, however the more benefits that are tied to a product the more likely a person is to purchase.

3. Keep it simple…and powerful! Use short, hard-hitting sentences. Use emotional words not those that cause analysis. People usually make emotional purchases.

4. Make the letter easy to read… and easy on the eye. Leave lots of white space in the letter.

  • Make bullet lists.
  • Indent paragraphs.
  • A paragraph should have no more than seven paragraphs.
  • Underline a consistently, but in moderation to identify keywords.
  • Use sub-headings.

5. Use testimonials. Nothing instills confidence in a product more than pleased customers.

6. Provide a call to action. The reader should feel a sense of urgency. Mention this call of action in the body and conclusion of the email.

7. Use a reliable email marketing software from a competent provider to make sure all works without any problems.

Here are a few words about the subject line.
The subject line is the headline of an email. Don’t hurry through this element of the email. The subject line will determine whether or not a letter is opened.

Select words wisely.
Anti-spam software has become very sophisticated. Often time legitimate emails are sent to spam folders and are blocked. Use words that preclude your email from being filtered out. There are websites that assist writers by listing words to keep away from.

People love free offers.
Provide discounts or coupons in the letter. There are many kinds of incentives that can be given. It will make a difference.

Now remember the tips and that objective statement. The email will be a winner!

Effective Marketing With Sales Letters

With all the wonders of technology it is natural for individuals working in sales and marketing to look for approaches to make prospecting simpler and more productive. While technology has presented many different opportunities when it applies to sales humans are creatures of habit. Some of the most effective approaches have been the use of hand written sales letters.

Consumers have built up resistance to most forms of marketing however the use of a hand written letter has not been used for generations. Research has shown that an individual who receive a letter that was drafted by hand is more likely to be read than one that was just printed up.

The effectiveness of these letters has been predicated on two factors, the first is the uniqueness of the content and that it was personalized and written towards the targeted audience. Second item is the call to action contained within the letter. The call to action must highlight the benefit of the product or service being offered.

There are some sales and marketing campaigns that focus on the features of what is being promoted however research has demonstrated that consumers make buying decisions based on the benefits of what is being proposed.

Something that has been proposed when constructing these campaigns is to provide follow up letters, there are certain firms that only send out one solicitation and stop at that however firms that have a detailed plan of sending out letters to their clients on an ongoing basis. Each and every time an individual receives something they will be more likely to read it and act on it.

When constructing these letters it’s recommended to use hand written labels as well on the envelope. The consumer who views the hand written envelop will be more likely to open the letter since they’ll wonder who sent them the letter.

Creating sales letters

Sales letters, whether being hand delivered, inserted in other mailings, mailed individually or sent through email marketing campaigns, is a way for your business to promote products and special pricing. This way of grabbing the attention of your current and potential customer base is a way to generate business as a properly worked and organized sales letter will draw attention and drive traffic and business in your direction. Sales letters can be crafted to suit your needs, and be written in a professional style which allows you to express some creativity to meet the needs of your known and potential customer base.

The first step in creating a sales letter is to determine the length of the sale itself. Once you know if the sale is for short period of time or a more lengthy sale, you will then be able to determine the method of getting the letter out and in to the hands, or inbox\’s of your clients. The medium used to send the letter is dependent on the time sensitivity of the sale. For example, if you are having a two-day only sale very soon, you would employ your main website, social media page and email to get the letter out to customers in a fast and efficient manner. However, if you are planning a sale which will run over a longer period of time and will start in a few weeks, you can use not only the methods as for fast turn around sales letter disbursement, you can also send brochures with sales letters, sales letters with attached business cards or simply just sales letters to customer and others by the use of snail mail.

The wording itself of your sales letter needs to be casual, yet professional. You need to avoid spelling and grammatical errors. The parameters of the sale itself need to stated clearly and include location information, sale dates, pricing, product availability and contact information. The sales letter is a way to generate business and by placing the key information regarding the sale in your letter, you will help ensure success.